This exhibit features fossils or plain old rocks that look like fossil poo but do not have a fecal origin. Faux poos, so to speak! The Earth Moved(Siderite Pseudocoprolite) Termite poo - Nah!(Seeds Resembling Termite Coprolite in Amber) Im-poo-ster!(Pseudocoprolite) Crappy Construction?(Pellet-Lined Burrow (Ophiomorpha)) Parasite not Poop(Midge with Parasite in Amber) It's a Tilly, Silly!(Fish Tilly Bone) Poo Bear(Dubiocoprolite) 1856 Mimic(Burrow with Coprolite Pellets) Crappy Decorating(Burrow with Coprolite Pellets) (Burrow)