This section is for specimens that may or may not be coprolites, in other words, poo-haps! POO-ls Gold(Possible Pyritized Coprolite) Mamma Maia - Did You Go Again?(Possible Herbivore Coprolite) Prehistoric Geese?(Possible Herbivore Coprolite) Butt Load(Possible Coprolite) Doody Down Under(Possible Carnivore Coprolite) (Petrified Frass) Potty Cake?(Oolitic coated mystery) Let's Cut the Crap(Marine Coprolite from Church Cliff Bay) Vegi Poo Patty?(Herbivore Dubiocoprolite) Montana Mystery(Dubiocoprolite) Here Poo-chy(Dubiocoprolite) Copro Pebbles?(Dubiocoprolite ) Pages« first‹ previous123next ›last »