Fossil poop of this kind comes from an animal that fed on other animals and lived in a salt water sea or ocean. Bum Bananas(Marine Carnivore Coprolites) Scraping By(Folded Coprolite with Dentalites - Tooth Marks) Rectal Runt(Curved Carnivore Coprolite) The Poo and Vertebra(Coprolites and Ichthyosaur Vertebra in Matrix) Mysterious Crap Circles(Coprolite with Unidentified Chitinous Ring Inclusions) Everybody Loves Ray-Bum(Coprolite with Ray Tooth Inclusion) Little Ptych(Coprolite with Ptychodus Tooth Inclusion) Fish Food Chain(Coprolite with Fish Vertebrae Inclusions) Poop on My Plate(Coprolite with Fish Tooth Plate Inclusions) Double Doo(Coprolite with Fish Inclusion and Coprolite) Jaws #2: The Baculite Inclusion(Coprolite with Baculite Jaw Inclusions) (Coprolite with Baculite Jaw and Radulae Inclusions) Pages« first‹ previous1234next ›last »