Fossil poop of this type comes from creatures that predominantly ate other animals. These coprolites are usually high in calcium phosphate, the same mineral that is found in bone. X Marks the Pot(Carnivore Coprolites in Matrix) Cutting Loose(Carnivore Coprolite with Unusual Surface Features) Impressive(Carnivore Coprolite with Unidentified Imprint) Booty Biscuit(Carnivore Coprolite with Sphincter Marks) Harry Pooter(Carnivore Coprolite with Possible Fur Imprint) Scale of 1 to 100(Carnivore Coprolite with Numerous Fish Scales) Little Sphincter(Carnivore Coprolite with Furrows) Poo on My Plate(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Tooth Plate Inclusion) Kung Poo(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Tooth and Bone Inclusions) Something's Fishy!(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Inclusions) Bone China?(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Bone Inclusions) Who Was Feeding on My Coprolite?(Carnivore Coprolite with Detalites - Bite Marks) Pages« first‹ previous12345next ›last »