Fossil poop of this type comes from creatures that predominantly ate other animals. These coprolites are usually high in calcium phosphate, the same mineral that is found in bone. Dung Stepped In It!(Carnivore Coprolite with Claw Marks) Dino Dung It?(Carnivore Coprolite with Bone Inclusions - Dinosaur?) Theropoo?(Carnivore Coprolite with Bone Fragment Inclusions) Definitely Dinosaur(Carnivore Coprolite with Bone and Tooth Inclusions) The Barnacles of Excreta(Carnivore Coprolite with Barnacles) (Carnivore Coprolite in Siderite Nodule) Simply A Mazon!(Carnivore Coprolite in Siderite Nodule) Poop on the Half Shell(Carnivore Coprolite in Siderite Nodule) Jersey Jobby(Carnivore Coprolite in Matrix) Danny's Doo(Carnivore Coprolite) Booty Baguette(Carnivore Coprolite) Canadian Crap(Carnivore Coprolite) Pages« first‹ previous12345next ›last »