Fossil poop of this type comes from creatures that predominantly ate other animals. These coprolites are usually high in calcium phosphate, the same mineral that is found in bone. Czech Plate(Coprolite with Fish Scale Inclusions) Matter Splatters(Coprolite with Fish Inclusions) Fish Dinner(Coprolite with Fish Inclusions) (Coprolite with Detalites - Feeding Traces) A Bone to Pick(Coprolite with Bone Inclusion) Denticle Dump(Coprolite with a Listracanthus Denticle Inclusion) Almost a Coprolite(Coprolite or Cololite with Gar Jaw and Tooth Inclusions) (Coprolite in Matrix) (Coprolite in Matrix) Colonary Confection(Coiled Carnivore Coprolite with Dentalites) (China 3) (Chalcedony Coated Coprolite) Pages« first‹ previous12345next ›last »